Has your company defined its terminology? What expressions and specialist terms do you use in your materials and communication? Perhaps there are also expressions and terms that are forbidden? In your source languages and all target languages?

Terminology is among the most important quality factors in professional texts and translations. It’s important that your products, components and spare parts are called the same, regardless of whether they are on your website, in a brochure, in the parts list or in your webshop. The more standardised the terminology is within each language, the less time is spent on research or support requests – and the user experience is clearly improved.

Consistent terminology also helps to strengthen the company’s image and brand.

You can bring all this knowledge together in a terminology database at World Translation. A terminology database functions as a kind of dictionary that professional translators use for all their translation projects.

However, it’s not only our language experts who can use the terminology database. With access to the Term Portal, you and your colleagues or employees also have direct access to the database. This means your own company-specific dictionary will be available whenever needed.

Look under the hood

Use your company’s terminology – anywhere!

Access to the Language Portal is browser-based. So it can be accessed whether in the office, at home, at a trade fair or in a hotel room abroad.
Access to the Language Portal’s Terminology Solution lets you work on texts and look up company terminology wherever you are in the world.

Besides using your terminology database to look up terms, you can also add new terms or make changes independently. This way, you can actively contribute to maintaining and expanding your organisation’s terminology. We are happy to set up a process together with you.

With an on-line terminology database, new colleagues can easily get an overview of your company’s technical terms. No more misunderstandings about whether it’s called a “memory card” or a “memory chip”!

In addition to technical terms in different languages, your terminology database can contain various other information such as images, definitions, examples and much more. Our experienced project managers are happy to advise you on building your terminology database.

Integration with Language Portal

Your terminology database in the Term Portal is connected to our other solutions in the Language Portal. That way, your company’s technical terms can, for example, easily be seen when you review a translation in our Review Portal. And if you use Translation Portal or InstantTranslate for your professional translations, you can, of course, also use your terminology there.

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