There will always be a need for professional and thoroughly checked translations – at the very least, we hope you agree because this is what we firmly believe at World Translation.

But there are times when speed is of the essence:

  • When you need to deal with the contents of a long report.
  • When you just need to have a general understanding of a text and continue working on it immediately.

And sometimes, 100% grammatical accuracy and five-star quality may not be strictly necessary:

  • When you have received an e-mail and need to convey its message immediately.
  • When you need to have an overview of a very large amount of text and decide which parts need to be professionally translated and which are irrelevant.

At the same time, it is important for you and your organisation that the translation contains the company’s approved specialised terminology and matches your other translated material.

With InstantTranslate, Language Portal’s Machine Translation Solution, you have the added advantage of having your company’s Translation Memory (TM) connected. This means that as much content as possible is translated initially using matches from your TM. Only passages that do not match any existing passages in your TM are machine-translated.

Look under the hood

Secure, efficient, and customer-specific machine translation

Open and freely accessible machine translation solutions, such as Google Translate, can be used for many things. However, you should be aware that solutions like Google Translate are open solutions. If the content of your text is confidential or sensitive, you should exercise caution and be wary of using such open solutions.

On the other hand, the Language Portal’s Machine Translation solution, InstantTranslate, is based on a much more secure system with greater control over where your data ends up.

Another clear advantage of using InstantTranslate is that you can use both your Translation Memories (TMs) and any terminology database that you may have at the same time. When you translate a text in InstantTranslate, you will automatically reuse as much of your previously translated texts as possible. Only the new content will be machine-translated from scratch.

This takes us back to ensuring efficiency and consistency over time. You can learn more about this at Language Portals Translation Solution.

InstantTranslate is also an ideal solution if you often need to gain insight into texts written in a foreign language and don’t have much time to do so. For example, do you travel around a lot, visiting customers worldwide? Do you participate in many trade fairs? If so, you may often need to understand texts immediately.

You can access InstantTranslate anywhere – all you need is internet access. You just log in via a browser and quickly and easily have the text machine translated. Secure, efficient, and it reuses all of your previous translations at World Translation.

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